Notes of Coord Group meeting 18th Jan 2011

February 3, 2011 in Meeting Notes

Present: Rufus Pollock (chair), Jonathan Gray, Stefano Costa, Jason Kitcat.

* Stefano reported that there over 100 new packages on bringing the total up to 200 now and also mentioned new site . In March there will be a public seminar about CKAN at the NEXA Center for Internet & Society.

* Jonathan mentioned a huge amount of work that has be done including submission to the Knight Foundation Challenge, two FP7 bids and work on the following sites: , , ,

* Rufus provided a run-down on Where Does My Money Go progress:
* Lot of development work over the last month
* Convert from sql to mongodb
* Lots of work on aggregations
* Merged with OffenerHaushalt (thanks to Friedrich)
* Deployment in Spain (thx to David Cabo)
* Deployment in Bergen
* Friedrich is taking over as Project Dev Lead
* Funding: we still have some remaining funding and are continuing to work and develop the project

* Rufus also reported on CKAN work (CKAN = Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network)
* Passed 1600 packages
* – Helsinki Infoshare Alpha (using CKAN) launched 30th Dec
* Lots of new features
* We’re hiring:
* We continue to work on
* Setting up a project steering committee

* Rufus mentioned that the new Open Economics group is now operational and their first webapp is live at

How do we aggregate activity and keep people informed of OKFN activity?

* Keep relatively special.
* Create to bring together activity across all sites.

Where should information go? (Too many sources)

* JK noted the proliferation of tools and sources of information, asked about use of the wiki at
* To support the network of projects and working groups WordPress sites will be created as they have been more successful than wikis in experience. WP sites for info, news, meeting notes etc.
* Working group & project leads who are not able to make the coord call should email a brief status summary to the coord list (max 5 mins work)
* Focus on using wiki for planning, so WP sites should still link back there. More care to go into use of Etherpads which should primarily be a place to capture stuff live.

* Blog about developments in Italy (SC)
* Ping MM on coord list about actions (RP)
* Chat with Jenny Shaw about helping with Twitter (RP)
* Add JK to email (RP)
* Ping Theodora (cc JK) to see if she can make these meetings (JG)
* Blog Knight Challenge submission (JG)
* WordPress setup (JK & RP)
* Create and put in primary nav (JK)

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