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Notes from Coord Meeting: 29th August 2011

- August 29, 2011 in Uncategorized

OKF Coord meeting 1pm UTC Monday 22nd August.

Today is a bank holiday! Nobody around except me and Rufus. (and Jason, but he appears to be on a call. And Daniel has put a notebook entry up, but not on skype.)

So we are ending the call! Catch up as necessary with each other later in the week, and normal coord calls resume next week with Lucy.

## Participants
* Rufus Pollock
* Mark MacGillivray

## Apologies

## Agenda
* Updates
* Questions to address

## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Daniel](
* [Mark](

## Questions
-> Add your questions here:

## AOB

## Notes

## Actions

Notes from Coord meeting: 22nd August 2011

- August 23, 2011 in Meeting Notes

## Participants
* Jason Kitcat
* Jonathan Gray
* Primavera De Filippi
* Rufus Pollock
* Daniel Dietrich
* Mark MacGillivray

## Agenda
* Updates
* Questions to address

## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Mark MacGillivray](
* [Daniel Dietrich](
* [Jason Kitcat](

* Jonathan was unwell last week but all good now – to be available every afternoon each week.
* Rufus had meetings in Berlin last week, working on ckanjs, bibserver, ckan – hopes to finish CKAn stuff this week
* Primavera has been working on metadata integration guide, talking to people developing flowcharts. submitting proposal for inventare il futura? not much feedback from mailing lists – please make comments.
* jason doing alot of bids – german, ec, dm2e – first to submit! gold star. lots of calls this week on the ec bid
* daniel very busy on epsi platform, topic reports which are now finished. working on german minstry bid – will focus on it this week. available to do some work on OGDcamp

## AOB

Lots of sysadmin going on – moving to fry. if dns is not migrated in 7 days, bad things will happen. – email or okfn-help. but there still isnt really any resource to help with sysadmin beyond Rufus. People with dev skill can use sysadmin meetup is between 5 and 7 on Tuesdays.

People could send in CVs to about being sysadmin. Could potentially have funds to hire someone to work as sysadmin.

## Notes

* we now have a translation for open data manual into italian
* events – RP going to open data summit in september, and going to picnic.
* events – Is jordan hatcher going to creative commons summit? unknown. RP cant go.
* on EC bid – jason says we really need to talk to tenforce much more closely about CKAN. wh ocan help here? RP will help.

## Actions

* Can Jason stil help with DM2E bid? Yes, with Jonathan. Jonathan to call Jason later today.
* Jonathan to write to list saying improving responsiveness of sites is underway.