Wolfpack Meeting, 20/8/12

August 20, 2012 in Meeting Notes

## Highlights
* Welcome Michael Bauer! A new Data Wrangler working on School of Data and Labs.
* Events to be decided via a different process from now on. Rufus & Laura N to work on this.

## Agenda
* Introducing Michael Bauer
* OKFest weekly bulletin – please send Kat feedback by end of this aft 🙂

## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Naomi Lillie](http://notebook.okfn.org/2012/08/20/week-ahead-naomi-lillie-25/)
* [Laura Newman](http://notebook.okfn.org/2012/08/20/week-ahead-laura-newman-24/)
* [Daniel Dietrich](http://notebook.okfn.org/2012/08/20/week-ahead-daniel-dietrich-34/)
* [Tom Rees](http://notebook.okfn.org/2012/08/20/week-ahead-tom-rees-11/)
* [Laura James](http://notebook.okfn.org/2012/08/20/week-ahead-laura-james-29/) – note II’m now down to 20 hours a week; so unless it’s urgent please pre-book calls with me, as I’m sometimes online but not OKFNing
* [Kat Braybrooke](http://notebook.okfn.org/2012/08/20/week-ahead-kat-braybrooke-36/)
* [Sam Leon](http://notebook.okfn.org/2012/08/20/weekly-update-sam-leon-26/)

## Events (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgKCQJHmtLY_dGNER3RLRWJTbjItNzBBNnc2aDNuUnc&pli=1#gid=0)
* DDC – Development Data Challenge in London: 25-26 August, the Guardian offices http://developmentdatachallenge.org/ Meeting with Mark Brough about the questions on Tuesday, 21 August, 2 pm – you can join per skype if interested
* LN to talk to VD re going (if anyone else keen, holler) -awesome, maybe join the meeting with Mark tomorrow to discuss the challenges
* OpenDataMX event and Hackathon this week in Mexico City: 24-25 August http://opendata.mx/ – an event relevant for the School of Data, Labs and Regional Chapters, please talk to Velichka
* CleanWeb MeetUp tonight in London: http://www.meetup.com/Cleanweb-London/
* Question from NickS: are we going to Strata?
* LN to pick up with LC
* National Human Rights Council in Morocco – 21st & 22nd Sep.
* no clear decision – RP and LN to discuss (see below)
* Free Culture Forum, Barcelona Oct 25-27
* KB and DD to discuss w mgmt

## Actions
* RP and LN to re-examine events to come up with better process

## Participants
* Michael Bauer (an introduction)
* Irina Bolychevsky
* Kat Braybrooke
* Marcus Dapp
* Daniel Dietrich
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Meg Foulkes
* Jonathan Gray
* Laura James
* Sam Leon
* Naomi Lillie
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel
* Darwin Peltan
* Rufus Pollock
* Tom Rees

## Apologies
* Lucy Chambers

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