Wolfpack Meeting 14/08/2012
# Team Meeting
Team meeting [13/08]. around 1.30 pm UK time. (12:30 UTC)
## Agenda
## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Naomi Lillie](http://notebook.okfn.org/2012/08/13/week-ahead-naomi-lillie-24/)
* [Kat Braybrooke](http://notebook.okfn.org/2012/08/13/week-ahead-kat-braybrooke-35/)
* [Joris Pekel](http://notebook.okfn.org/2012/08/13/week-ahead-joris-pekel-15/)
* [Sam Leon](http://notebook.okfn.org/2012/08/13/weekly-update-sam-leon-25/)
## Events (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgKCQJHmtLY_dGNER3RLRWJTbjItNzBBNnc2aDNuUnc&pli=1#gid=0)
* Nothing new to speakers@ [MF / NL]
## Questions
* Quick question from Kat (here) – can we make Notebook private so that it stops showing up on Google searches? 🙂
## AOB
* Update: OKFest general travel bursaries being decided *today* with applicants notified later this week. Note that over 100 have applied for a limited amount of funding, and that preference will (as before) be given to those who are directly participating in the festival. There is also a separately-adminstered bursary for ‘development practitioners and coders’ which Sida is deciding on in Norway. These applicants will also be notified by beginning of next week. – Kat
## Notes
* Meg is the new foundation adminstrator. Inducted by Naomi.
* 23 people will be funded for OKFest!
* Move away from using etherpads (for sensitive stuff), apart from uber-public quick sharing of thoughts – use GDocs instead – take to e-mail (JP)
* Joris to look into private notepad posts – maybe making it a ‘members only’ blog
* Note from LJ: Sysadmin already have a ticket about notebook posts so please talk
with them. I’ve done this sort of transition before and it’s never as
easy as people think – so any requirements for the new notebook system
should be gathered together in [the existing trac ticket](http://trac.okfn.org/ticket/1267).
i’m afraid posts (for now!) are supposed to be public and that means google. If people don’t want to publish into then it shouldn’t be in a notebook post. If there’s specific worries they can bring them to me.
* Autumn comm mtg dates 15th-18th October, location tbc – Dec Summit to be clarified (JG)
* JG mails LJ re: Summit in December
## Actions
* JP to take etherpad / GDoc discussion to e-mail
* JG to mail LJ re: Summit in December
## Participants
* Daniel Dietrich
* Meg Foulkes
* Sam Leon
* Naomi Lillie
* Joris Pekel
* Kat Braybrooke
* Jonathan Gray
## Apologies
* Darwin Peltan
* Lucy Chambers
* Marcus Dapp
* Laura Newman
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Laura James (apologies)
* Rufus Pollock
* Tom Rees