Notes from coord meeting: 3rd October

October 7, 2011 in Meeting Notes

Coord Meeting! 3rd October: 2:30

## Participants

* Lucy Chambers
* Kat Braybrooke
* Maurizio Napolitano
* Jonathan Gray
* Jason Kitcat
* Stefano Costa
* Primavera De Filippi
* Daniel Dietrich
* Friedrich Lindenberg
* Hauke Gierow

## Apologies

* Rufus Pollock
* Mark MacGillivray

## Where is

## Agenda

## Updates (paste your notebook link in here *[name](link)):
* [Mark MacGillivray](
* [Primavera](
* [Maurizio Napolitano](
* [Daniel Dietrich](
* [Lucy Chambers](

## Questions
* after the conference call for the italian OKFN chapter we discussed if we can have also the domain and move/add some services. It’s possible?

## AOB

## Notes

## Actions

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