Notes from Coord Meeting: 12th September 2011

September 12, 2011 in Meeting Notes

OKF Coord meeting 1pm UTC Monday 5th September.

## Participants

* Lucy Chambers
* Mark MacGillivray
* Kat Braybrooke
* Primavera De Filippi
* Hauke Gierow
* Rufus Pollock
* Maurizio Napolitano
* Jonathan Gray

* Jason Kitcat

## Apologies

* Daniel Dietrich
* Friedrich Lindenberg (travelling)

## Where is

## Agenda

* Updates
* Questions to address
* ODC mailout for Talis
* ALL HANDS on deck: Final EC Bid prep work


## Updates (paste your notebook link in here *[name](link)):
* [Jason Kitcat](
* [Lucy Chambers](
* [Primavera](
* [Mark MacGillivray](

## Questions

## AOB

## Notes

* Mailout – text prepared by Talis, Judges, Participants

## Actions
* Lucy to send Jason contact details of ODC participants
* Maurizio – recruitment
* Hauke to come to sysadmin call to sort out Pentabarf
* JK to follow up with Jonathan regarding allotment of people’s time on OGDCamp

Comments are closed.