Notes from Coord Meeting: 8th August 2011
OKF Coord meeting 1pm UTC Monday 8th August.
## Participants
* Lucy Chambers
* Jason Kitcat
* Jonathan Gray
* Hauke Gierow
* Friedrich Lindenberg
* Primavera De Filippi
* James Harriman-Smith
* Rufus Pollock
* Daniel Dietrich
* Mark MacGillivray
## Apologies
* Kat Braybrooke –> i can be at meeting, but can only text, as am in library (ugh)
## Agenda
* Updates
* Questions to address
## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Lucy](
* [Daniel](
* [Mark](
* [James](
* [Kat](
* [Jason](
* [Napo](
## Questions
* Volunteer to moderate comments on blogs
* Napo: Wants speaker to talk in Italy in November (has funding)
* Zazzle store – order test copies?
* OGDCamp – sponsorship.
* Mozilla event
* Ireland event
## AOB
## Notes
* OGDCamp, logo on site – ok.
## Actions
* Everyone tweet about text camp: #tcamp11 (
* Find someone else to deal with speakers
* JHS: blog post updating textcamp for OKF blog