Notes from Coord Meeting: 30th May 2011

May 30, 2011 in Meeting Notes

## Present:

* Maurizio Napolitano
* Lucy Chambers
* Primavera De Filippi
* Jason Kitcat
* Jonathan Gray
* Rufus Pollock
* Martin Keegan
* Farida Vis – academic, interested in allotments
* Jack Leigh – recently graduated from Cambridge, met Rufus/Lucy at OpenTech
* Stefano Costa

## Agenda

* Catchups & Plans
* Questions

## Catchups & Plans (please post the link to your notebook entry here)

## Primavera

## Maurizio Napolitano

### Lucy

### Jason

### Tim

### Jonathan

update coming soon!

### Stefano

(in Italian, sorry!)

## Questions

* JWYG Can we launch OKF ideas fund?
* Jason: should we really take this on now?
* DD how to reach out to people we have not yet reached out re: invite to OKCon 2011?
* Jack – Open Literature and intro to Maurizio
* MM (I was talking to Mahendra on Friday, and they are interested in any submissions for this challenge that demonstrate the (“a”,”any”) future for repositories. It might be worth mentioning to CKAN people – it is a repository of sorts, and no reason why it could not be touted as “the” or “a” future of repositories.)
* JK Tools
* MN: can we change conference system? I suggest

## Actions

* Lucy to catch up with Farida re Data GM
* Lucy to catch up with Farida (cc Jonathan & Daniel re Allotment finder workshop @OKCon)
* Suggestions re OKCon
* Targeted outreach – DDIE in office
* JG and DD to catch up about OKCon
* Lucy + JWYG – look into Ideas Fund.
* To do: draft process, text/announcement, committee, criteria for eligible projects, what kind of support we can offer (developer time, hosting, design, domain names, official support – @okfn address, project support sprint, etc), manage whole thing
* To do: text on – explaining what happens
* Lucy CKAN team – register themselves
* Lucy Using Eventbrite – email participate
* Lucy to post Mark’s link to CKAN-discuss

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