Meeting Notes – Open Knowledge Foundation Coordination Group Coordinating the Foundation's Activities Mon, 04 Nov 2013 10:20:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 113589648 International Council meeting agenda- October 17th, 2013 Wed, 30 Oct 2013 14:49:06 +0000 Wednesday 17th October, 16.30 CEST

Participants: (Doodle)

  • Zara Rahman
  • Christian Villum
  • Neal Bastek
  • Laura James
  • Tom Alvarenga
  • Charalampos Bratsas
  • Anastasios Ventouris
  • Rayna Stamboliyska
  • Oleg Lavrovsky
  • Heather Leson

Apologies (unable to attend):

  • Prakash Neupane (Nepal)

  • Daniel Dietrich (Germany)

  • Julia Kloiber (Germany) – at Code for America summit

  • Rufus Pollock (on holiday)

Agenda and meeting minutes

1. #topic Update on Actions from last call + introduction

    • Introduction – new member of Local Groups team, Heather Leson!

    • Better folder management of documents to share with International Council
      • website now updated, and one folder shared with you all, linked to from website page
      • Participants invited to look at above links and come back with questions, if any.
  • Standard mail aliases for all Local Groups requested from sysadmin

  • ; our new Technical Director, Nick Stenning, has advised against having this but would rather have addresses standardised across community.

  • Codes of Conduct signed by all Ambassadors (to roll out this/next week for Local Initiatives)

  • Projects page from OKFN Central has been updated:

  • Forum suggestion – we started using Tenderappas a helpdesk, it can also be used as an online forum home. Should we follow up on this?
    • possibly integrating Forum functionality into the wikispace
  • Community Resources page on the site now up

  • Fundraising help – have liaised with James Hamilton, our new Development Director; his suggestion = a concept note hack session, bringing together group of 5-8 people including himself to look through concept notes, on a monthly basis.

2. #topic Other updates within Local Groups network

a. OKCon

  • Representatives from 55 countries, including many Local Groups (picture)

  • Feedback survey for participants

    • In general people had an awesome time, great meeting new and old faces etc.
    • Next year’s OKFestival – longer, festival, with heavy international community involvement. Updates / input to be sought soon!

a. Local Groups Community Fund

c. Open Data Partnership for Development

  • Project launched in collaboration with World Bank and the UK Open Data Institute, more details to focus on developing countries. Led by Heather Leson from Open Knowledge Foundation, more updates coming soon.

d. Data gathered from Ambassadors

  • Asked to sign Codes of Conduct and fill in Workplan forms (sample here) outlining their scope of activity over next 12 months

  • Biography and photo from each Ambassador – to be put online in country profiles

  • #todo – same information from Local Initiatives and Chapters

3. #topic Input sought

a. Email addresses for community members (individuals)

  • Domain suggestions? to be used going forward for paid staff members only. Suggestions:

    • suggested that we have country specific domains, but that could possibly alienate working group and other community members
    • other suggestion from the community was

b. Communications channels with community

  • #suggestion – a weekly community hangout, like ‘office hours’ where people are free to come and chat with Local Groups team / community members

  • general positive support for something like this
  • #suggestion – more use of IRC ?

  • neutral response, not many alternative suggestions

  • wiki came up again as a place for spontaneous connections

  • #suggestion online skillshare sessions – eg. social media use, customising blog sites.

  • yes, a good idea

c. Knowledge sharing within community

  • #suggestion – reviving the wiki as the main community knowledge space [currently very out of date]

  • Participants were generally in favor of this.

  • Have to deal with the spam issue constructively.

  • How to, for example, share information on transitioning from Initiative to Chapter / challenges facing Local Groups, lessons learned cross-network?

  • mentioned by Finnish Local Group (Jaakko)

3. #topic Upcoming

  • Upcoming events: Open Data Day, February 22nd 2014

    • Updates coming soon – anything planned?

    • Get it on the wiki and/or a public calendar

  • International Council – any members you would recommend being added? Full list on website

  • #suggestion having representation from each Local Initiative and particularly active Ambassadors ?

International Council meeting agenda – Weds 7th August Thu, 08 Aug 2013 16:36:07 +0000 Wednesday 7th August, 16.30 CEST = 14.30 GMT+0 (see Doodle)

Participants: (Doodle)

  1. Oleg Lavrovsky (Switzerland)
  2. Everton Zanella (OKF Brazil)
  3. Tomo Watanabe (Japan)
  4. Laura James (OKF Central)
  5. Rufus Pollock (OKF Central)
  6. Julia Kloiber (OKF Germany)
  7. Ventouris Anastasios (OKF Greece)
  8. Christian Villum (OKF Central)
  9. Zara Rahman (OKF Central)
  10. Neal Bastek (OKF Central)
  11. Primavera (OKF France)
  12. Prakash Neupane(Nepal)

Apologies (unable to attend):

  1. Daniel Dietrich (Germany)
  2. Samuel Goeta (France)
  3. Charalampos Bratsas (Greece)
  4. Alberto Abella (OKF Spain)


[1] IRC – freenode – #okfn-int  ( if you don’t use an IRC client)

[2] Skype as backup

 Agenda and meeting minutes

1. #topic State of world update following Summit

a. General

  • Suggestion from previous call to create a simple spreadsheet of Local Coordinators contact details; have compiled addresses from Local-Coords list into a spreadsheet, privacy concerns though – we need to check with members if they would like their email addresses to appear on this [a]list (to be available to other local coords only, not public)
    • Idea to set up email alias’ for each country, forwarding to relevant private emails (avoids privacy issue) – current examples,
    • Useful to include links to each of their websites
  • Getting the International Council more involved in governance decisions; how best to do this?
    • Sharing documents for your comments; is this efficient?
    • No thanks to Trello, yes to well-organized folders in G Docs/Drive – to share a folder of all documents for the International Council
    • +1 to having a public page with links to appropriate Google Docs (need to be careful with permissions for internal documents here)
    • Also some reluctance towards Google products – Everton to put together document outlining pros/cons of using Google Docs, to discuss at next meeting.
  • Set up local-coords-alerts
  • Polls for quick input on decisions?
    • Good idea- doesn’t require much time from Council members – quick and easy polls, which refer back to longer documents if people have time/interest
  • International Council Trello Board
    • -1 : too many Trello Boards already
  • Challenges of growing the network
    • Creating Codes of Conduct/ MoU’s for incoming Ambassadors
    • Comments on this solicited from International Council – thanks!
    • Making review procedure more rigorous [see below]

b. Review Committee

  • Changes proposed to Ambassador review process following summit (see next section)

c. Projects & Outreach Committee

d. Mentoring Committee

  • #suggestion Setting up a Mentorship scheme – interest?
    • Pairing up experienced members of the community to less experienced ones
    • Yes- Local Groups team to look into this further, together with Mentorship Committee
  • See also: “Regular hangouts per region” (just one happened so far between people in America continent)
    • Really good experience reported from Everton on the first Transamerican hangout a couple of weeks back, although only two attended. They will try to do more of those.
    • Hangouts to be recorded and shared online (can then be a standing resource)
    • Prakash from Nepal and Tomo from Japan to organise an Asia hangout

e. Steering Committee

  • Input welcomed on shared documents, but the Steering Committee have not yet been called upon


2.. #topic Ambassador scheme changes

a. Country Ambassador scheme

  • Main change: to make the most of our own networks/contacts as a ‘first review’ , thanks all for your comments.
  • Please see Ambassador Applicants sheet and comment if you know people as a first review
  • Ambassador role – gathering community, or spreading the word of open knowledge? Potentially two different roles here, both skillsets needed within a Local Group.
  • Prospects Community also launched- Local Groups team to update the website with details of this.
  • Idea – that all Ambassador applicants should first pass through the Prospects Community?

b. City/State Ambassador scheme

  • Taking advantage of Rufus’ visit there in order to pilot a scheme of having City/State Ambassadors.
  • Allowing approved Local Initiatives to appoint their own City/State Ambassadors, in country
  • How to organise discussion lists?
  • Allowing for specialist discussions and encourage local/regional activity  while remaining centralised – eg. one discussion list for the whole of Brazil, or one per state as well as the national one?

3. #topic Knowledge sharing between Local Groups

  • #idea: Regular skillshare sessions – eg. Social Media, Volunteer Engagement, via Google Hangout, open to all in the community
  • #idea: Mentorship scheme
  • Regional hangouts – happening already

4. #topic Showcasing Local Groups activity better to the world

  • Creating a Local Groups blog – +1
    • Similar to but focus only on Local Groups sites – and perhaps layout similar to rather than long lists of blogs
    • Good example to check out: Wikimedia Foundation Central blog, who sometimes post the same blogs in two or more languages
  • to gather tweets from the Local Groups:
    • is an automated curator of twitter posts. We’ve set this one up to curate all of the local group social media accounts.
  • Other ideas?
    •  An official OKFN forum with a General topic with global issues and a topic for each country, to let countries showcase their projects and let other users comment and discuss easier – – Anastasios to follow up with more detailed suggestions
  • Creating a map to show what topics Local Groups are working on – this would need your input
  • Encouraging LGs to keep website updated with current events/activities
Coord Call 2012-10-08 Mon, 08 Oct 2012 13:59:53 +0000 # Team Meeting

Team meeting [8/10/12]. around 2.00 pm UK time. (13:00 UTC)

## Participants
* Lucy Chambers
* Gavin Chait
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Jonathan Gray
* Meg Foulkes
* Sam Leon
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel
* Darwin Peltan
* Rufus Pollock

## Apologies
* Daniel Dietrich (on his way to Cape Town)
* Kat Braybrooke (at NextGen12 panel in London)
LauraJ (on a bad internet connection that doesn’t want to work with hangout 🙂 apologies!
* Michelle Heydon
* Naomi Lillie

## Agenda
* A rota for chairing this call.

## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):

* [Lucy Chambers](
* [Joris Pekel](
* [Laura Newman](
* [Sam Smith](
* [Gavin Chait](
* [Laura James](

## Notes

* To ask Meg to do reminders. Rotating chair settled.
* Topics for Monday call:
* Events? Probably need to review/discuss at community meeting in October
* FYIs
* Catch ups
* Big updates
* Internal elevator pitches
* Asking for help
* Audience metrics update
* General rallying

## Actions

* Lucy to follow up with Meg + draw up rota

Wolfpack Meeting Notes, 10/9/2012 Mon, 10 Sep 2012 14:21:39 +0000 # Team Meeting
Team meeting 10/09, around 1.30 pm UK time. (12:30 UTC)

## Highlights
* We get asked for ‘official’ OKFN responses – topics / events needing responses should be flagged up; in some cases we will produce a blog post in response, in others we will take as a topic for a future community team discussion
* SL updated on Social Analytics for OKFN and is storing this information for comparisons at later stage
* Notebook posts are public-facing, although the feed has been removed from []( in order to reduce prevalence. If anyone has concerns (about content or visibility on web searches) speak to LJ
* Update on an OKFN office – the Management Team is looking into it and welcomes views
* One thing that wasn’t discussed: no meeting next week due to [OKFestival](! Whoop! 😀

## [Events](

* LN / RGRP / MF to discuss in more detail (ongoing)

## AOB

* OKFest: helping throughout the week
* Meeting tomorrow (Tues 11th, SL to arrange) of comm-coords to go over requirements and take to wider community if further help needed

## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):

* [Daniel Dietrich](
* [Naomi Lillie](
* [Laura James]( – note *Monday only* this week!
* [Sam Leon](
* [Lucy Chambers](
* [Marcus Dapp](
* [Joris Pekel](

### Participants

* Irina Bolychevsky
* Lucy Chambers
* Marcus Dapp
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Meg Foulkes
* Jonathan Gray
* Laura James
* Sam Leon
* Naomi Lillie
* Joris Pekel
* Darwin Peltan
* Rufus Pollock
* Tom Rees

### Apologies
* Kat Braybrooke
* Daniel Dietrich
* Jonathan Gray
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel

Wolfpack Notes, 3/9/12 Mon, 03 Sep 2012 15:00:47 +0000 Travel Briefing). If you have been on a major trip, please record notes […]]]> # Team Meeting
Team meeting 03/09, around 1.30 pm UK time. (12:30 UTC)

## Highlights
* Discussed practical details of OKFest, including autoresponder strategy, emergency contact, payments and volunteer coordination – see notes below.
* Travel de-brief documents (GDocs – Chapters > Travel Briefing). If you have been on a major trip, please record notes & experiences here. Remember to use Highrise for contacts! This folder is also a starting point for anyone planning a trip.
* The Dashboard – a heads up of a snazzy new thing to come. The Dashboard monitors our activity (tweets, mailing list sign-up etc). See the [Dashboard User Stories](
* Highrise training for all who need it – an email to come round from Lucy.
* Darwin is away for roughly two weeks.

## Events (
* LN / RGRP / MF to discuss in more detail

## Questions
* keeping things going while at OKFest – out-of-offices confuse people, how can we manage expectations in terms of response-times etc? [NL]
* no auto-responders
* mob # emergency (RP offers his # for texting!)
* blog-post week before
* Meg being 1st point-of-contact with back up from Jonathan and others
* nothing so urgent can’t wait a week (in theory)
* Slightly related: is there a way to find out who is doing what on which days, and who needs extra help during OKFest?
* Morning stand-ups for volunteers, please come along to that (details tbc but likely 20mins around 09.30) – Naomi/Kat to be at these each morning if have questions 😉
* Travel debrief documents [LN] (GDocs – Chapters > Travel Briefings)
* read!
* Use Highrise
* Payments – there will be lag over OKFest, please make sure you have alerted LJ to any urgent payment requests well before then (normal pay-run won’t be affected, we’ll get up to date for post-OKFest invoices the week before)

### Announcing The Dashboard
* [Dashboard User Stories](
From Tom Rees 😀 ++
* maps our activity, tweets etc –
* good stats – #s posts per day, #s users etc
* data more than visualisation at this stage but will lead to snazzy viewing thingy…
* github issues –
* Opinions welcomed, speak to Tom Rees
* possibly automate Sam Leon’s info collection!
(Tom – prob missed stuff, please add – slow typing)

## AOB
* Darwin – Away for two weeks
* Highrise training
* NL +1
* LC to e-mail staff@
* Events – ongoing (RP, LN, MF)
* briefing: people, places, existing contacts etc – make more of an effort to combine ideas
* Discuss in Oct (comm team)
* Meg + NL discussing better comm of contacts etc… will tie-in

## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Naomi Lillie](
* [Lucy Chambers](
* [Laura Newman](
* [Daniel Dietrich](
/sings: sistaaaaaas are doin’ it for themselves… <- #winning * [Kat Braybrooke]( * [Laura James]( * [Michael Bauer]( * [Sam Smith]( * [Joris Pekel]( ## Participants * Kat Braybrooke * Lucy Chambers * Marcus Dapp * Daniel Dietrich * Velichka Dimitrova * Jonathan Gray * Meg Foulkes * Laura James * Naomi Lillie * Laura Newman * Joris Pekel * Darwin Peltan * Rufus Pollock * Tom Rees ## Apologies * Sam Leon

Wolfpack Meeting, 20/8/12 Mon, 20 Aug 2012 13:28:11 +0000 ## Highlights
* Welcome Michael Bauer! A new Data Wrangler working on School of Data and Labs.
* Events to be decided via a different process from now on. Rufus & Laura N to work on this.

## Agenda
* Introducing Michael Bauer
* OKFest weekly bulletin – please send Kat feedback by end of this aft 🙂

## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Naomi Lillie](
* [Laura Newman](
* [Daniel Dietrich](
* [Tom Rees](
* [Laura James]( – note II’m now down to 20 hours a week; so unless it’s urgent please pre-book calls with me, as I’m sometimes online but not OKFNing
* [Kat Braybrooke](
* [Sam Leon](

## Events (
* DDC – Development Data Challenge in London: 25-26 August, the Guardian offices Meeting with Mark Brough about the questions on Tuesday, 21 August, 2 pm – you can join per skype if interested
* LN to talk to VD re going (if anyone else keen, holler) -awesome, maybe join the meeting with Mark tomorrow to discuss the challenges
* OpenDataMX event and Hackathon this week in Mexico City: 24-25 August – an event relevant for the School of Data, Labs and Regional Chapters, please talk to Velichka
* CleanWeb MeetUp tonight in London:
* Question from NickS: are we going to Strata?
* LN to pick up with LC
* National Human Rights Council in Morocco – 21st & 22nd Sep.
* no clear decision – RP and LN to discuss (see below)
* Free Culture Forum, Barcelona Oct 25-27
* KB and DD to discuss w mgmt

## Actions
* RP and LN to re-examine events to come up with better process

## Participants
* Michael Bauer (an introduction)
* Irina Bolychevsky
* Kat Braybrooke
* Marcus Dapp
* Daniel Dietrich
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Meg Foulkes
* Jonathan Gray
* Laura James
* Sam Leon
* Naomi Lillie
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel
* Darwin Peltan
* Rufus Pollock
* Tom Rees

## Apologies
* Lucy Chambers

Wolfpack Meeting 14/08/2012 Tue, 14 Aug 2012 07:23:01 +0000 # Team Meeting

Team meeting [13/08]. around 1.30 pm UK time. (12:30 UTC)

## Agenda

## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Naomi Lillie](
* [Kat Braybrooke](
* [Joris Pekel](
* [Sam Leon](

## Events (
* Nothing new to speakers@ [MF / NL]

## Questions
* Quick question from Kat (here) – can we make Notebook private so that it stops showing up on Google searches? 🙂

## AOB
* Update: OKFest general travel bursaries being decided *today* with applicants notified later this week. Note that over 100 have applied for a limited amount of funding, and that preference will (as before) be given to those who are directly participating in the festival. There is also a separately-adminstered bursary for ‘development practitioners and coders’ which Sida is deciding on in Norway. These applicants will also be notified by beginning of next week. – Kat

## Notes

* Meg is the new foundation adminstrator. Inducted by Naomi.
* 23 people will be funded for OKFest!
* Move away from using etherpads (for sensitive stuff), apart from uber-public quick sharing of thoughts – use GDocs instead – take to e-mail (JP)
* Joris to look into private notepad posts – maybe making it a ‘members only’ blog
* Note from LJ: Sysadmin already have a ticket about notebook posts so please talk
with them. I’ve done this sort of transition before and it’s never as
easy as people think – so any requirements for the new notebook system
should be gathered together in [the existing trac ticket](
i’m afraid posts (for now!) are supposed to be public and that means google. If people don’t want to publish into then it shouldn’t be in a notebook post. If there’s specific worries they can bring them to me.
* Autumn comm mtg dates 15th-18th October, location tbc – Dec Summit to be clarified (JG)
* JG mails LJ re: Summit in December

## Actions
* JP to take etherpad / GDoc discussion to e-mail
* JG to mail LJ re: Summit in December

## Participants

* Daniel Dietrich
* Meg Foulkes
* Sam Leon
* Naomi Lillie
* Joris Pekel
* Kat Braybrooke
* Jonathan Gray

## Apologies
* Darwin Peltan
* Lucy Chambers
* Marcus Dapp
* Laura Newman
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Laura James (apologies)
* Rufus Pollock
* Tom Rees

Wolfpack meeting 06/08/2012 Mon, 06 Aug 2012 13:25:21 +0000 # Team Meeting

Team meeting [06/08]. around 1.30 pm UK time. (12:30 UTC)

## Participants
* Kat Braybrooke
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Meg Foulkes – our new Foundation Administrator 😀 (Skype: meg.foulkes)
* Laura James
* Naomi Lillie (Skype: n.lillie)
* Joris Pekel
* Darwin Peltan
* Rufus Pollock
* Ira Bolychevsky (but have to leave at 13:45)
* Jonathan Gray

## Apologies

* Sam Leon – Holiday
* Marcus Dapp – Holiday
* Laura Newman – Travelling
* Lucy Chambers – Travelling
* Tom Rees – Holiday
* Daniel Dietrich

## Agenda

* Flight tracking (JP)
* JP suggests spreadsheet for people to complete when they book a flight, for us to calculate OKFN flights and do something to compensate for fuel etc
* Track for now, can work out application later? – for purposes of carbon offsetting or just noting where OKFN travels
* JP to set up spreadsheet and circulate
* early bird ticket deadline extended to aug 8th for okfestival – blog post out this morning (please share with your networks/contacts!) Post URL
* for OKF staff who have not yet gotten their free ticket for the event, the deadline is Aug 10th!
* IB: re: OKFest, I’ve made sure all CKANers going (should be me, David, Adria, Mark) have signed up for tickets, but at what point is the accomdation getting booked? I’m pretty we’re finalised on nights 🙂
<-- IB = legend 🙂 NL will update re accommodation tomorrow / Weds - hostel/hotel is provisionally booked and places will be available 1st-come 1st served as per prev e-mail ## Events ( * Data Day event for News International * NL to respond to say no due to OKFest but let us know for next time * OpenDataMX event and hackathon in Mexico City, 24-25 August (Velichka and Jen attending) * VD --> there is an event bringing together coders, social scientists and NGOs n Mexico City in 2 weeks time – 24-45 August. Jen and I are going to be there to speak about the OKF as well as hold a workshop on data visualisation, maybe OpenSpending, etc – a great opportunity to connect with our hosting organisation Fundar –, who are the organisers of the OpenDataMX – a community running data events and hack days – and present many of our projects including School of Data, CKAN, OpenSpending, Labs, etc…
* Open Data day sometime around here
* Campus Party conference, Berlin, 23 Aug (Kat attending re: gender/diversity stream at OKFest)
* Daniel attending too

## Questions

## AOB
* Darwin away – Monday to Tuesday next week (Working later in the week instead)
* LJ away this fri – mon inclusive and WILL NOT be doing email!

## Notes
* is main issue logger for website
* has been archived as has and
* sysadmin change-over, all sites may go offline on Weds – we are changing provider
* RP and others are using which might be useful for some people in terms of managing projects. No compunction to use but feel free to try
* tools we use are listed here

## Actions
* JP to set up spreadsheet for travel tracking and circulate
* NL will update re accommodation tomorrow / Weds – hostel/hotel is provisionally booked and places will be available 1st-come 1st served as per prev e-mail
* NL to respond to Data Day event for News International to say no due to OKFest but let us know for next time
* RP (or someone sys-adminy) to e-mail staff@ with info about sys-admin changes
* JG sending out an e-mail re OKFest liaison between OKFN groups

## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
[Naomi Lillie](
[Laura James](
[Joris Pekel](
[Kat Braybrooke](

Wolfpack meeting 23/07/2012 Tue, 24 Jul 2012 10:50:32 +0000 # Team Meeting

Team meeting 23rd July around 1.30 pm UK time. (12:30 UTC)

## Agenda
* As the founder of and, KEYNOTE SPEAKER Jimmy Wales is a leading innovator in the field of technology and the digital revolution- his innovations have shaped the way we are building the information age.
* Odd fact: info@ received this and pre-filled with ‘Norman Lewis – Chief Innovation Officer of OKFN’ – this person doesn’t exist!
* Ignore the invitation – Pick up link after the Olympics (Tom Rees already in touch with City Hall, so this will happen anyway)
* (MD) LinkedUp (FP7 project): need to set up WordPress site incl. project fact sheet (draft ready) thsi week, and some initial design (maybe a logo). Who can help here?
* design: can help but NB advance notice is good
* Use of open data in higher education – specifically, using open data for teaching (not open data about teaching)
* Joris to set up WordPress this afternoon
* (MD) FYI, BIG bid moved to OKFN DE after we resigned.
* (MD) FYI, EU min meeting Cyprus – interest in brief notes/blog post?
* Marcus will blog about the meetings and outcomes
* Share contact – MD & DD to talk

## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Naomi Lillie](
* [Daniel Dietrich](
* [Marcus Dapp](
* [Sam Leon](
* [Kat Braybrooke](
* [Laura James](
* [Tom Rees](
* [Joris Pekel](

(note that if you want to read everyone’s notebook posts easily, try RSS 🙂

## Events (
* NL to contact “The Cutting Edge of the Future: The Best Kept Secret of Business Revolution” and “FrOSCon” to say we are unavailable
* Open Government Partnership, 2 European outreach meeting Dubrovnik, October 4-5, 2012
* LC and DD to follow up

## Questions

## AOB
* Next week: Meeting postponed due to poor attendance
* Next meeting August 6th, to be chaired by Joris

## Notes

## Actions

## Participants
* Kat Braybrooke
* Lucy Chambers
* Marcus Dapp
* Daniel Dietrich
* Laura James
* Sam Leon
* Naomi Lillie
* Laura Newman – possibly here, possibly packing!
* Joris Pekel
* Darwin Peltan
* Tom Rees
* Mark Wainwright not on core team at his own request

## Apologies
* Rufus Pollock – apologies/holiday
* Velichka Dimitrova

Notes from the Wolfpack Meeting, 09/7/12 Mon, 09 Jul 2012 13:14:51 +0000 #Highlights

* This call will be poorly attended over next few months due to trips and holidays. Joris to track events and mails around to staff in advance of calls

## Events
* Open Space South West – An unconference for the public sector in the South West, Friday 14th September in Exeter.
* JP to ask Darwin if he’s passionate about town planning in Devon 😉
* Event support – Open Access Week – India
* We (Open Access India) would like to have a two event (Symposium/Conference) on ‘Open Data, Education and Research in Agriculture’ at New Delhi during October 2012, Open Access Seek. The probable venue would be NAAS/NRCPB/IARI, Pusa Campus, New Delhi. We are looking for like minded organizations having interests in the theme of the event to conduct the event aspartners/sponsors and support it by any of the means feasible. We are looking for participation of scientists, students, researchers and policy makers of NARS and other stakeholders in the event. Please confirm what kind or support OKFN could extend for the event.
* Rufus/LauraJ have already said cannot provide financial support; however, Kat or someone else may come out to speak/network during this week. NL happy to assist with network making!
* OKFest travel update (Naomi & LauraJ)
* Accomodation, travel, ticket etc – NL to talk with DP and KB tomorrow to clarify ‘official stance’ and e-mail round

## AOB
* Note for all: OKFest website to be updated heavily by end of this week, with more clear instructions re: ‘core’ vs. ‘satellite’ portions & Topic Stream details. There will also be another round of Travel Bursaries released later this month (details TBA based on partner funds).


– [Joris Pekel](
– [Naomi Lillie](
– [Kat Braybrooke](
– [Sam Leon](
– [Tom Rees](

## Participants
* Laura James
* Sam Leon
* Naomi Lillie
* Joris Pekel
* Tom Rees

## Apologies
* Lucy Chambers
* Daniel Dietrich
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Laura Newman
* Marcus Dapp, offline this afternoon (traveling back to Munich)
* Kat Braybrooke (in series of OKFest meetings from morning to late afternoon)
* Darwin Peltan
* Rufus Pollock (in US)
* Mark Wainwright
