Team meeting [1/10/12]. at 3:00pm UK time. (14:00 UTC)
## Participants
* Kat Braybrooke
* Lucy Chambers
* Marcus Dapp
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Jonathan Gray
* Sam Leon
* Naomi Lillie
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel
* Darwin Peltan
* Tom Rees
* Michelle Heydon
## Apologies
* Irina Bolychevsky
* Daniel Dietrich
* Laura James (probably not going to make this week)
* Rufus Pollock
* Meg Foulkes
## Agenda
* OKFest follow-up (coordinating contacts etc) + OKFestival book + ‘After’ page
## Events (
* Update from RP (following discussion with LN and MF)
* MozFest (potential attendees include Michael Bauer, Lucy Chambers, Laura Newman (?), Tom Rees, Sam Smith… )
-> Propose action should be, to try and get the people who proposed the school of data session. That should be Michael’s priority on the call, see if we could get those 4 people there
Budget -> project vs core
Lucy to request weekend slot
## Questions
* Who now is responsible for registering domains? (Re: Jonathan’s suggestion to register
and who reviews existing domains (sites) and works out if we should keep them on?
-> in future (for now at least, people register their)
-> from Darwin – how do we ensure renewal reminders don’t get missed?
* NB in next 45 days Accuwebhosting is deleting,,,,, and (should these messages, currently to admin@, go to sys-admin?)
* What is correct address for sys-admin Qs / request? or
* sysadmin@
* This call – time & chair, and do we like Google hangouts?
* Move community call to 15 uk /16 europe for 1 hour
* ping team re: wolfpack timing and focus
* New projects submission form – what are we doing with this?
* Open Transport working group want to write an Open Transport Data Handbook. They are looking for
a) a copyeditor
b) around €5k to fund printed copies.
How much can we help? Who can we point them towards?
WG coord (LauraN/Naomi) has a £2000 budget for random WG support – happy to delegate to them to figure out how this divides between WGs <-- ddin't know about this! Might need some guidance... Likewise...
project support -> network and WGs\
## AOB
Good for a laugh: 7th image in the series <- haha. photo of the day!
thought you'd like it
## Highlights
* Discussed practical details of OKFest, including autoresponder strategy, emergency contact, payments and volunteer coordination – see notes below.
* Travel de-brief documents (GDocs – Chapters > Travel Briefing). If you have been on a major trip, please record notes & experiences here. Remember to use Highrise for contacts! This folder is also a starting point for anyone planning a trip.
* The Dashboard – a heads up of a snazzy new thing to come. The Dashboard monitors our activity (tweets, mailing list sign-up etc). See the [Dashboard User Stories](
* Highrise training for all who need it – an email to come round from Lucy.
* Darwin is away for roughly two weeks.
## Events (
* LN / RGRP / MF to discuss in more detail
## Questions
* keeping things going while at OKFest – out-of-offices confuse people, how can we manage expectations in terms of response-times etc? [NL]
* no auto-responders
* mob # emergency (RP offers his # for texting!)
* blog-post week before
* Meg being 1st point-of-contact with back up from Jonathan and others
* nothing so urgent can’t wait a week (in theory)
* Slightly related: is there a way to find out who is doing what on which days, and who needs extra help during OKFest?
* Morning stand-ups for volunteers, please come along to that (details tbc but likely 20mins around 09.30) – Naomi/Kat to be at these each morning if have questions
* Travel debrief documents [LN] (GDocs – Chapters > Travel Briefings)
* read!
* Use Highrise
* Payments – there will be lag over OKFest, please make sure you have alerted LJ to any urgent payment requests well before then (normal pay-run won’t be affected, we’ll get up to date for post-OKFest invoices the week before)
### Announcing The Dashboard
* [Dashboard User Stories](
From Tom Rees ++
* maps our activity, tweets etc –
* good stats – #s posts per day, #s users etc
* data more than visualisation at this stage but will lead to snazzy viewing thingy…
* github issues –
* Opinions welcomed, speak to Tom Rees
* possibly automate Sam Leon’s info collection!
(Tom – prob missed stuff, please add – slow typing)
## AOB
* Darwin – Away for two weeks
* Highrise training
* NL +1
* LC to e-mail staff@
* Events – ongoing (RP, LN, MF)
* briefing: people, places, existing contacts etc – make more of an effort to combine ideas
* Discuss in Oct (comm team)
* Meg + NL discussing better comm of contacts etc… will tie-in
## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Naomi Lillie](
* [Lucy Chambers](
* [Laura Newman](
* [Daniel Dietrich](
/sings: sistaaaaaas are doin’ it for themselves… <- #winning
* [Kat Braybrooke](
* [Laura James](
* [Michael Bauer](
* [Sam Smith](
* [Joris Pekel](
## Participants
* Kat Braybrooke
* Lucy Chambers
* Marcus Dapp
* Daniel Dietrich
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Jonathan Gray
* Meg Foulkes
* Laura James
* Naomi Lillie
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel
* Darwin Peltan
* Rufus Pollock
* Tom Rees
## Apologies
* Sam Leon
## Agenda
* Introducing Michael Bauer
* OKFest weekly bulletin – please send Kat feedback by end of this aft
## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Naomi Lillie](
* [Laura Newman](
* [Daniel Dietrich](
* [Tom Rees](
* [Laura James]( – note II’m now down to 20 hours a week; so unless it’s urgent please pre-book calls with me, as I’m sometimes online but not OKFNing
* [Kat Braybrooke](
* [Sam Leon](
## Events (
* DDC – Development Data Challenge in London: 25-26 August, the Guardian offices Meeting with Mark Brough about the questions on Tuesday, 21 August, 2 pm – you can join per skype if interested
* LN to talk to VD re going (if anyone else keen, holler) -awesome, maybe join the meeting with Mark tomorrow to discuss the challenges
* OpenDataMX event and Hackathon this week in Mexico City: 24-25 August – an event relevant for the School of Data, Labs and Regional Chapters, please talk to Velichka
* CleanWeb MeetUp tonight in London:
* Question from NickS: are we going to Strata?
* LN to pick up with LC
* National Human Rights Council in Morocco – 21st & 22nd Sep.
* no clear decision – RP and LN to discuss (see below)
* Free Culture Forum, Barcelona Oct 25-27
* KB and DD to discuss w mgmt
## Actions
* RP and LN to re-examine events to come up with better process
## Participants
* Michael Bauer (an introduction)
* Irina Bolychevsky
* Kat Braybrooke
* Marcus Dapp
* Daniel Dietrich
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Meg Foulkes
* Jonathan Gray
* Laura James
* Sam Leon
* Naomi Lillie
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel
* Darwin Peltan
* Rufus Pollock
* Tom Rees
## Apologies
* Lucy Chambers
Team meeting 25th June, around 1.30 pm UK time. (12:30 UTC, 14:30 CEST)
## Highlights
* NO Wolfpack meeting next week, due to All Hands
* Gentle reminder to fill in the “State of Affairs” staff survey if not yet done:
* Please use ‘free text’ fields to add comments
* Please give your input to [July Summit agenda]( Accomodation list can be found here:
* Initial deadline for OKFest travel bursaries is this Wednesday, please share with your networks. Core team travel funding to be discussed in managemenet meeting today, more info soon.
* Laura James away this week – Naomi can help with finances, but for emergency payments talk to Rufus and for management stuff talk to Marcus.
* Laura Newman out of touch to varying degrees until mid-August. Comm coord team to reallocate chairing meetings etc.
## Notes
* Mumble verdict is a ‘no’, sticking with Skype for now with hunting for an alternative ongoing but on the back-burner
* Video month [LJ] – NB: carried over from last week
* OKFN now has a video camera!
* Discussing video usage and future plans at All-Hands meeting, with Jonathan, with aim to make a ‘who are we’ video for presenting to others
* Google Hangouts for Comm-coord standups?
* possible alternative to a Skype call, can use video etc, Lucy suggests experimenting
* Comm Coord encouraged to liaise together more
## Events (
* Transparency Week, Mexico (coincides with OKFest)
* No-one free, shame – LN will send reluctant ‘no’ with invitation to be involved in OKFest
* Cambridge Network – Policy Making Implications of the Digital Revolution, 12/7.
* LN to confirm unavailability
* [online] USAID June 26th Ideation Jam for Food Security Open Data Challenge (e-mail with info forwarded) [ie tomorrow]
* No-one immediately available but anyone interested should contact Velichka D
* DDJBook – Korea
* Immediately after OKFest – should tie-in with end of All-Hands meeting on Sat/Sun
* LC potentially attending
* Big Data Forum [MW]
* For info only at this stage, CKAN attendance possible
## Participants
* Kat Braybrooke
* Lucy Chambers
* Marcus Dapp
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Naomi Lillie
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel
* Mark Wainwright
## Apologies
* Daniel Dietrich
* Laura James
* Sam Leon
* Darwin Peltan
* Rufus Pollock
* Tom Rees
## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Naomi Lillie](
* [Kat Braybrooke](
* [Tom Rees](
* [Marcus Dapp](
* [Laura Newman](
* [Laura James](
* [Joris Pekel](
* [Sam Smith](
* [Tom Rees](
* [Sam Leon](
Team meeting 11th June. around 1.30 pm UK time. (12:30 UTC)
Mumble trial run!
## Highlights
* All Core Team meeting planned for 2nd-4th July. There has been some concern over attendee list. If you have feedback, email Marcus and it will be taken into account.
* Thursday is the first press event for OKFest! Travel bursaries will also become available then – watch this space!
* Velichka is organising the creation of a video about the OKFN. If you want to get involved, sign-up to help her out
* This weekend (16th & 17th June) is Culture Hack East in Cambridge – it would be great if someone were able to attend!
* The call today was carried out using Mumble instead of Skype. Mixed responses. Some issues may be ‘teething’ (getting used to the functionality) but there are some definite drawbacks – one user was left feeling like this
* There will be **NO WOLFPACK CALL** next week as so many people are away.
## Participants
* Kat Braybrooke
* Lucy Chambers
* Marcus Dapp
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Laura James (possibly, depending on how event pans out)
* Sam Leon (until 2pm only)
* Naomi Lillie
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel
* Tom Rees
* Mark Wainwright
## Apologies
* Darwin Peltan
* Daniel Dietrich (in a call about open transport at OKFest)
* Rufus Pollock
## Agenda
* Video month! (LJ)
* note for next week discussion
* List of resources? (cf Open Data Documentaries) [LN]
* inspired by open data documentaries – have page where general open data / knowledge / etc resources are available on web, combine with WIKI info – LN to liaise with TR & VD
* ACT (MD) – discuss later,
* Concern that some people left out
* mgmt team will discuss feedback that came in by email
* LN off next Monday – meeting cancelled
* OKFest update: tickets, travel bursaries, design.
* Money for travel bursaries to become available
* Thursday is first press event
* A video about the OKF –
* VD to arrange call / workshop to plan, discuss budget, content etc:
* Volunteers requested to help form a ‘video planning committee’: Laura N
## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Daniel Dietrich](
* [Naomi Lillie]( FAO: my availability over the next fortnight is as follows:Mon Foundation Administration; Tue, Wed, Thu at [BiblioHack]( so minimal availability. Please note I am not working 19th-22nd June, back 25th June.
* [Laura Newman](
* [Tom Rees](
* [Joris Pekel](
* [Sam Leon](
* [Laura James](
## Events (
* VASS2012
* unavailable
* UIA round table
* unavailable
* Edinburgh
* NL to run this, possible presentation as opposed to in person due to OKFest
* InterFace 2012
* LC to ask RP (LJ unavailable)
* Culture Hack East
* involved without attending / speaking directly, tickets available
## Questions
## AOB
* Mumble not an immediate success but we’ll use for the 2 week trial period and see how we go
## Notes
## Actions
Team meeting 28th May. around 1.30 pm UK time. (12:30 UTC)
## Highlights
* Mumble is the new Skype! We’ll kick-off a Mumble trial period at the Wolfpack call on June 11th – more details from Joris to follow, but everyone will need to create an account before then.
* Marcus is preparing the first OKFN team survey! Vote for the topics you would like to see covered here
* All Hands will be held 2-4th July. E-mail Laura J with requests for agenda items or people who should attend.
* Because next week is the Jubilee weekend in the UK, there will be **no Wolfpack call**.
## Actions
* JP to talk to David Raznik to check usefulness of Mumble
* All to sign up with account by morning of Monday 11th
* All to input at before Friday, 1st June
* All to e-mail Laura J if have suggestions for agenda items or people who should attend ‘All Hands’
* LN to ask Open Transport guys if available for SNCF launch of Hackday Transilien, tell SNCF more notice helpful
## Participants
* Lucy Chambers
* Marcus Dapp
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Laura James
* Naomi Lillie
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel
* Darwin Peltan
* Tom Rees
* Mark Wainwright
## Apologies
* Sam Leon (at crowd sourcing seminar at Kings College London for TEXTUS, notebook post up)
* Kat Braybrooke (day off Monday, but wrote Notebook post if want to see actitivies this week)
* Daniel Dietrich (public holiday in Germany, also in bavaria ;-))
* Rufus Pollock (at Shuttleworth meet-up)
## Agenda
* Mumble: the new Skype (JP) (or is it…) We require a conferencing facility:
* Mumble looks perfect, open source but but costs +/- 10E each month for hosted option, may need own server. JP to talk to David Raznik to check usefulness of Mumble
* VSee – Free, no user limit for call, low bandwith. Not open source – focus on video
* Anymeeting – Free but with adds
* Onwebinar – Open, easy to use but in Beta, needs some testing
* Webhuddle – Open Source, Java based and in browser. Also needs some testing..
* Lucy: I’m currently with Elena Mondo from IBP, she recommends
* recommended by Tom R (for screen-sharing)
* Mumble accounts – all to sign up with account by morning of Monday 11th, we’ll use Mumble for the Wolfpack and for the Projects call which will be in next fortnight. Need to think about how we’ll know if it’s better than the current situation.
* All Hands – 2-4th July, e-mail Laura J with requests for agenda items or people who should attend. ‘All’ may mean everyone paid, but trade-off against size of venue is consideration. Suggestion of evening meet-up in addition to smaller group.
* Core team (or all-paid-staff and major WG coords?) survey (MD) as part of strategy process, results for All-hands. Your input appreciated at
* Next week Jubilee w/e, many people not working – Wolfpack call cancelled for next week
## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Laura Newman](
* [Kat Braybrooke](
* [Naomi Lillie]( )
* [Daniel Dietrich](
* [Sam Leon](
* [Joris Pekel](
* [Tom Rees](
* [Lucy Chambers](
* [Laura James](
## Events (
* SNCF launch of Hackday Transilien (requested RGRP) – need a response by tomorrow – ask Open Transport guys if available, tell SNCF more notice helpful
Team meeting 21st May. around 1.30 pm UK time. (12:30 UTC)
## Highlights
* Tom Rees clarified the situation in Labs – see ‘Notes’ below for more details.
* Congratulations Velichka and co on the success of YourTopia in Apps4Italy!
* If you are supposed to attend Monday meetings, please do so! If you really can’t be there, send an apology and be sure to follow up on the notes.
* See ‘Notes’ section for how Wolfpack meetings are to be used for deciding which events to attend.
## Asks
* Is ‘OKFN Professional Services’ the best name for the new side of Labs? Alternative suggestions welcome.
* Please send Tom Rees list of any useful contacts who may be interested in Professional Services type work.
* Joris Pekel & volunteers have a new project to create audio podcasts on opendata topics. If you meet someone interesting or go to an event, think about whether you could record an interview.
* Darwin Peltan is looking for suggestions of Data Sets that people would like to see converted to linked data (Data needs to be from within the EU)
## Notes
### Process for deciding about which events to attend.
* On the call, we want to know:
– do you know of this event / have insight into whether it’s useful / high-profile
– know through your networks of e.g. people we should / could meet there
* This collective community knowledge will help us to decide whether it’s worth attending.
* If the event relates to a specific project, budget decisions should be made by the project leader.
* If the event is general / core, budget decisions can be made by LJ/NL.
### Update on Labs
* Previously, labs was an uncomfortable mix of internal (experimental) and external (client-facing) stuff.
* This is now going to be divided
* Tom Rees will be in charge of ‘Technical Services’ side of Labs (external)
* Nick will be in charge of ‘Labs’ (internal, experimental, not trying to bring in funds)
* New front-end web page will make it clear what OKFN can offer to you, in terms of professional / technical services.
## Participants
* Kat Braybrooke
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel
* Darwin Peltan
* Tom Rees
## Apologies
* Naomi Lillie
* Sam Leon
* Mark Wainwright
* Lucy Chambers
* Marcus Dapp
* Daniel Dietrich
* Laura James
* Rufus Pollock
## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Laura Newman]( FAO: School of Data Kick-Off sprint taking place Weds-Fri this week. All welcome to join online, see
* [Daniel Dietrich](
* [Kat Braybrooke]( )
* [Darwin Peltan](
* [Sam Leon](
* [Joris Pekel](
## [Events](
* International Open Government Data Conference, July 10-12, Washington DC – for CKAN team? – no-one from CKAN team here
* From last week: – RGRP not here again
– FOCAS, Aspen Institute, Colorado (line 38, RGRP)
– New Media Forum Plenary Chamber, Brussels (line 31, RGRP)
## Headlines
* New strategy for projects call: once a month, a larger community call will take place. It will have a longer timeslot and will give a broader overview of what’s going on in the OKFN. It will be open to all.
* The fortnightly projects call is *cancelled*.
* We will need a new technology, as the group is likely to be too large for Skype.
* Meetups on Wed, Thurs and Fri in Berlin this week. If you have contacts in Berlin who’d like to meet the OKFN team, please invite them!
* There will be a meeting at the new OKFN Germany office the following week
* The final deadline for OKFestival submission proposals is June 2nd. The ten 2012 festival themes have already been decided and will be shared on the OKFestival website by the end of this week.
* No wolfpack call next Monday (bank holiday)
## Events
* Wisis Workshop (line 14) [LN] – Daniel attending this to present Open Government toolkit, to double as OKFN ambassador
* International Workshop: Identifying benefits deriving from the adoption of XML-based chains for drafting legislation (line 12) – probably a no but just to check [LN] – agreed, Daniel might attend for EPSI platform but not with ‘OKFN hat’ on. LN to confirm no attendance
* Cultural Heritage in the Digital Domain (line 18) [LN] – Sam and Joris missing, LN to e-mail
## Actions
* NL & LN to look into technology for calls – make informed decision, a paid-for solution is an option
* LN to catch-up with David re. Mumble – what did the CKAN team think of it when they explored it as an option.
* LN to catch-up with Nils re. alternative technologies.
* LN to drop an email to all in OKFN discuss, when would be best for monthly meetings and what should they include?
* LN to cancel fortnightly projects call, instate monthly call in its place.
* LN to confirm no attendance at International Workshop
* LN to e-mail Sam / Joris re Cultural Heritage talk opportunity
* NL to ping people again re:Pulse, remind them about local clients, encourage feedback
# Projects Meeting
Projects meeting 30th April 2012. 1pm UK time. (1200 UTC)
## Participants
* Kat Braybrooke – Community Coordinator
* Hauke Gierow – Community Coordinator – Germany
* Laura James – Foundation Coordinator
* Naomi Lillie – Community Coordinator & Foundation Administrator
* Laura Newman – Community Coordinator
* Mark Wainwright – Community Coordinator (CKAN)
## Apologies
* Ira Bolychevsky – Product Owner – CKAN
* Lucy Chambers – Community Coordinator
* Christian Chiarcos – Open Linguistics
* Stefano Costa – Open Archaeology
* Tim Davies – Open Development
* Daniel Dietrich – Chapter Lead – Germany
* Velichka Dimitrova – Open Economics
* Primavera de Filippi – Public Domain Calculators / Open Metadata Handbook
* Adam Green – Public Domain Review Dude
* James Harriman-Smith – Open Humanities
* Peter Hicks – Open Transport
* Sam Leon – Community Coordinator
* Friedrich Lindenberg – OpenSpending & Many many other projects
* Mark MacGillivray – Open Biblio
* Theodora Middleton – Blogmeister
* Jenny Molloy – Open Science Working Group
* Peter Murray-Rust – Open Science Working Group / Open Biblio
* Sebastian Nordhoff – Open Linguistics
* Tom Olijhoek – Open @ccess
* Joris Pekel – DM2E – Queensday in the Netherlands
* Rufus Pollock – BDFL
* Tom Rees – OKFN Labs
## Agenda
* 2 minute Updates (feel free to type in the ## updates section while people are doing their introductions)
* WG coordinators can add themselves to:
* How should these calls be organised?
1. Organisation
* Today only Hauke is non-core attendee, but this is the only opportunity for him / others to discuss projects with rest of team
* It was agreed that meetings should be less often and that occasional face-to-face meetings are useful
* HG doesn’t see need for distinction for volunteer / core / WG / etc – need to keep openness within organisation. Updates not necessarily useful on weekly basis but overall bigger picture useful to know
* One Monday per month for broader organisation update generally agreed, although noted that it’s a meeting-heavy day; people will need to be clear on purpose of call and plan what they wish to say to make it efficient
2. Technology
* Mumble?
## AOB
* Meetups Wed, Thurs, Fri in Berlin this week. If you have contacts in Berlin who’d like to meet the OKFN team, please invite them! – refer to e-mail sent by Kat -> * Republica on 10th, meeting at new OKFN DE office the following week
* The final deadline for OKFestival submission proposals is June 2nd – the ten 2012 festival themes have also been decided and will be shared on the OKFestival website by the end of this week.
## Actions
* Catch-up with David re. Mumble – what did the CKAN team think of it when they explored it as an option
* Technology a key issue – make informed decision, a paid-for solution is an option
* Drop an email to all in OKFN discuss, when would be best for monthly meetings and what should they include?
* Cancel fortnightly projects call, instate monthly call in its place.
# Wolfpack Team Meeting notes
Team meeting 30th April. around 1.30 pm UK time. (12:30 UTC)
## Participants
* Kat Braybrooke
* Marcus Dapp
* Daniel Dietrich
* Laura James
* Naomi Lillie
* Laura Newman
* Darwin Peltan
* Mark Wainwright
## Apologies
* Lucy Chambers
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Sam Leon
* Joris Pekel
* Rufus Pollock
* Tom Rees
## Agenda
* Fortnightly projects call cancelled in favour of monthly broad organisational call, therefore need to consider technology to enable this to work successfully. Mumble is being looked into as a reliable forum for this. LN (or whoever looking into suitable tech) to discuss Mumble with Nils
## Updates & FAO (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* FAO Everyone: Any major updates should go in your FAOs from now on
* [Naomi Lillie] ( )
* [Laura Newman](
* [Kat Braybrooke](
* [Darwin Peltan] (
* [Laura James] key point: less projects as I handover to Jilly&Darwin, more core Foundation Coordinaton & strategy
## Events (
* Wisis Workshop (line 14) [LN] – Daniel attending this to present Open Government toolkit, to double as OKFN ambassador
* International Workshop: Identifying benefits deriving from the adoption of XML-based chains for drafting legislation (line 12) – probably a no but just to check [LN] – agreed, Daniel might attend for EPSI platform but not with ‘OKFN hat’ on. LN to confirm no attendance
* Cultural Heritage in the Digital Domain (line 18) [LN] – Sam and Joris missing, LN to e-mail
## AOB
* Pulse – useful? send reminder around
## Actions
* LN (or whoever looking into suitable tech) to discuss Mumble with Nils
* LN to confirm no attendance at International Workshop
* LN to e-mail Sam / Joris re Cultural Heritage talk opportunity
* NL to ping people again re:Pulse, remind them about local clients, encourage feedback
## Events
* OKFN to give a School of Data talk at Open Data week, but not keynote.
## Actions
* SL to confirm that we will host LOV project
* LN to pass details of Mark Golledge on to DD.
* LN to respond about Open Data Week & School of Data.
* NL to act as scribe in future meetings.
## Minutes
* Finalise whether LOV (Linked Open Vocabularies) will be OKFN hosted — see [Doodle](, no objections have been raised on projects coord list. Generally a positive response – SL
— Basically, yes
* Discuss format of calls: wolfpack and (more urgently?) projects
* Having a time to talk is good
* Notebook posts should be written – and read!
* A written update of events / projects for people to peruse could be good…
* Key difference between UPDATES (to be done in writing) and DISCUSSION (best done speaking in person)
* Scribe should not be call moderator – can someone step up to write call notes in future weeks (NL offers!) – thanks NL!
* LN to go through notepad entries to pull out interesting points & add to a snazzier write-up? [Snazzier write-up, but maybe not notebook posts I think…]
* To discuss the issue of the projects call further…
* Discuss Nick Stenning proposal that we all use
* we need a water cooler where people can come and casually keep in touch with chitchat without feeling it’s an obligation. Something not too intrusive. Something where you can go offline, but come back and not have missed out on what’s happened.
* Nick strongly recommends Campfire which has searchable backlog
* try the room please feedback to NickS so we can see what works well
* for paid staff / ‘commit access’ type folk (LJ: I’d like this to be clear
* yet another tool
* you can turn it off and not miss out. Better “backlog” than Skype does
* a place to be a bit silly
* IRC remains there for the public to say hi everyone is welcome to stay there too
* building a virtual office
Nick to email everyone with details and also to mention that there are desktop clients available eg Flint for mac
We should review in a couple of weeks and see how it’s going.
* Using our zippy spreadsheet to decide which events to attend:
* Is this for events we run too? YES refer to Kat’s e-mail of 22nd Feb – we need to keep eye on things we run too
* Remember that the spreadsheet is publicly visible – discussion should take place on the call.
* EC VAt situation – heads up! [LJ]
* We shouldn’t charge or pay VAT to EU companies outside UK… please don’t include VAT in your invoices to us if you’re EU-based and VAT-registered. Talk to LJ if questions.
* Several new Eastern European OKFN:LOCAL groups/chapters – share contacts, projects and opportunities w them?
## [Events](
* Mark Golledge (Masters student) would like someone to talk to him for about 45 mins via — Skype about Open Government Data [LN] – Daniel Dietrich to talk to him
* Open Data Week event in Nantes, May 25th – School of Data [LN]
* Not keynoting, DD might be attending
## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Laura Newman](
* [Naomi Lillie]( )
* [Daniel Dietrich]( )
* [Sam Leon](
* [Joris Pekel](
* [Kat Braybrooke](
* [Laura James]( – srsly, you don’t need my link – all recent notebook posts are at the top of the notebook site – granted, but these notes also get archived and we might sometimes want the link… At the least, this is a handy way of getting an overview of who *has* written a notebook post!
## Questions
## AOB
## Notes
## Actions
— do the Bartman
## Participants
* Kat Braybrooke
* Lucy Chambers
* Daniel Dietrich
* Laura James
* Sam Leon
* Naomi Lillie
* Jilly Mathews
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel
* Darwin Peltan
* Nick Stenning
* Mark Wainwright
* Irina Bolychevsky
## Apologies
* Marcus Dapp
* Velichka Dimitrova
* Rufus Pollock
* Tom Rees
Projects meeting 16th April. 1pm UK time. (1200 UTC)
## Participants
* Ira Bolychevsky – Product Owner – CKAN
* Daniel Dietrich – Chapter Lead – Germany
* Kat Braybrooke – Community Coordinator
* Primavera de Filippi – Public Domain Calculators / Open Metadata Handbook
* Hauke Gierow – Community Coordinator – Germany
* Adam Green – Public Domain Review Dude
* Laura James – Foundation Coordinator
* Laura Newman – Community Coordinator
* Sebastian Nordhoff – Open Linguistics
* Tom Olijhoek – Open @ccess
* Joris Pekel – DM2E
* Rufus Pollock – BDFL
* Tom Rees – Code Poet (Community Dashboard, CKAN,,)
* Mark Wainwright – Community Coordinator (CKAN)
## Apologies
* Maurizio napo Napolitano
* Lucy Chambers – Community Coordinator
* Christian Chiarcos – Open Linguistics
* Stefano Costa – Open Archaeology
* Tim Davies – Open Development
* Velichka Dimitrova – Open Economics
* James Harriman-Smith – Open Humanities
* Peter Hicks – Open Transport
* Naomi Lillie – Community Coordinator & Foundation Administrator
* Sam Leon – Community Coordinator
* Friedrich Lindenberg – OpenSpending & Many many other projects
* Mark MacGillivray – Open Biblio
* Theodora Middleton – Blogmeister
* Jenny Molloy – Open Science Working Group
* Peter Murray-Rust – Open Science Working Group / Open Biblio
## Agenda
* 2 minute Updates (feel free to type in the ## updates section while people are doing their introductions)
* All WG coordinators should add themselves to:
* Expenses
* Next meeting
## Questions
Napo – a question for Ira Bolychevsky:
* Can you me confirm that you have been contacted by Formez Italy (mr. Marras) about the migration of to CKAN? Ira: yep, will reply via email
## Updates
* First of two OKFestival Submission Deadlines next week! (Kat will be in Helsinki to go over submissions – ask her if have any questions)
* Kat also doing keynote about OKFestival / Open Design at FREE CITY Tallinn, Estonia (link to details
* Kat, Daniel, Hauke, Stefan preparing for workshops about various things related to open data, community, and OKFN at this year’s Re:Publica in Berlin, Germany (and thinking of organising local event at the time – get involved
* Open Data Census – to be launched at the Open Government Partnership in Brazil this week. The idea is to survey every government in the world and to see how open their data is. Laura, Rufus and Daniel to work on it in the next day or two – all help much appreciated! Info will be coming round the mailing lists, but drop me a line if you’d like to be involved
* open GLAM workshop this Friday
* OKFest stream proposal
* Daniel Mietchen – including scientific libraries/museums, project with animal sounds
* Meeting with the Finnish people
* Volunteers
* Open GLAm blog continuing
# Team Meeting
Team meeting April 16th, around 1.30 pm UK time. (12:30 UTC)
## Participants
* Kat Braybrooke
* Daniel Dietrich
* Laura James
* Laura Newman
* Joris Pekel
* Mark Wainwright
## Apologies
* Marcus Dapp (on hols)
* Naomi Lillie (off sick)
* Lucy Chambers
* Sam Leon
* Rufus Pollock
* Tom Rees
* Velichka Dimitrova
## Agenda (please leave your initials if you add an item!)
* Hosting LOD2 plenary (26-8 Sep) [MW]
* Peter Murray-Rust suggests some of us, along with Sophie Kershaw [Panton Fellow], visit John Wood [head of the Assoc. of Commonwealth Universities and has been head of Research Councils] at Tavistock Square -> Laura or Naomi, email us w details?
* PMR suggests we meet Neelie Kroes (Digital Agenda in Europe) who is passionate about Openness in Europe and engaging youth (she is actually coming to re:publica, 4th Mai Berlin and asked to meet people) -> Laura or Naomi or Peter, email us w details?
* Merchandise for Chapters – organisational and budget responsibilities require discussion / clarification [SL / NL]
* anyone want to meet Elaine Chen (Sussex) re:Taiwan open data; 23-25 apr? [LJ] – LN hapy to talk to her
* update on bids [LJ]
* need a new client for large groups that’s not Skype… Kat will email -discuss, please share your thoughts there so we can choose something better
* Volunteer work is going well, but would be nice to talk with other people about their experiences (JP) – Lucy, Sam, Laura N, Kat, WG coords who have been here for a while, eg Jenny Molloy.
* Discussion about new Local Group in Romania/Molodova (maybe to involve a large open data event in the fall), and also going to Estonia to do keynote & meet people there – if have any contacts in Eastern Europe who may be interested in getting involved with an OKFN group please let Kat know. – Agnes Aljas
## Updates (paste your notebook link in here [name](link)):
* [Laura James](
* [Sam Leon](
* [Daniel Dietrich](
## Events
* Speaker for culturehackeast, Cambridge, 1 May [LJ]
* Someone from CKAN needed to keynote at open data conference in Nantes, France on May 25th: